30 US fluid ounces = 887.2 mL
30 mL is about one US fluid ounce (1.014).
30 US fluid ounces = 887.2 mL
1 fluid ounce is equal to approximately 29.6 milliliters. Therefore, 30 ml is roughly equivalent to 1.01 fluid ounces.
There are approximately 38.5 fluid ounces in 1140 milliliters.
1 ounce = 30 mlsso...multiply 2.5 ozs by 30 mls.2.5 ounces = 75 mls
33 US fluid ounces = about 976 mL (975.926476 mL).
30 milliliters is 1.01 fluid ounces.
That depends on whether you mean UK or US fluid ounces. a uk fluid ounce is 28.4 ml a us fluid ounce is 29.6 ml So 30 ml is 1.06 fluid ounce UK, or 1.01 fluid ounce US.
There are 1.01442 oz. in 30 mL.
About 6.323 fluid ounces. There are 29.57 ml to a fluid ounce.
30 ml is equal to approximately 1.01 fluid ounces.