A 20 Gallon tank can hold up to 20 gallons of water.
80 gallons of water weighs about 668 pounds (about 8.35 pounds per gallon).
192 cups 1 gallon = 16 cups 1 cup = 0.06 gallon
5 milk jugs becase a 5gallon tank is five1 gallon milk jug
It is a tank that will hold one gallon of water when filled to the brim. No tank is ever filled to the brim so the tank will never actually hold a gallon of water. It is not large enough to properly house any fish.
The basic rule of thumb is "not more than an inch of fish to a gallon of water."
A 100-gallon fish tank weighs approximately 834 pounds when filled with water. The weight of the tank itself can vary depending on the material it is made of, but the water alone would weigh around 8.35 pounds per gallon.
Depends which tank.
Most water tanks will be labled by size. That means how many gallons the tank hold is what it is called. A 100 gallon tank will be sold as such and a ten gallon tank will be labled that way. So just check the labels. Most water tanks hold about thirty gallons of water. Of course the bigger the tank the more water it will hold. And you can purchase apartment sized water tanks that will hold a lot less then the average water tank.
Dpends on the size of the fish its one inch full grown for every gallon
it gets 26 miles to a gallon tank
Working on a basic rule of fish keeping which is "1 inch of fish needs 1 gallon of water" you have room for only 1 zebra in such a tiny tank.