1800 (cubic feet) = 13 464.9351 US gallons
For future reference, Google can convert this measurement by typing the following string:
1800 cubic feet in US Gallons
The tricky part is to remember that there are more than one type of Gallon, so you need to specify that it's a US gallon that you are looking for.
There are approximately 6.814 cubic meters in 1800 gallons.
7.79 gallons
There are approximately 224.71 gallons in 30 cubic feet.
5,233.7231 is who many cubic feet is in 32600 gallons.
There are 448,210 gallons in 60,000 cubic feet.
There are 202 gallons in 27 cubic feet.
11,702 cubic feet is 87,537.04 gallons.
There are 4.01 cubic feet in 30 gallons.
There are 130.91 gallons in 17.5 cubic feet.
Three cubic feet is 22.4416 gallons.
13 US gallons = 1.73784722 cubic feet[Google "13 gallons into cubic feet"]
5,400 gallons equates to 721.9 cubic feet.