4000 * * * * * Although a kilo gallon is not a widely recognised unit, the prefix kilo means 1000. So a kilo gallon would be 1000 gallons.
0.026 gallon.
One US gallon = 231 cubic inches.
2,480 US gallons in 571,896 cubic inches.
One US gallon = 231 cubic inches.
1 US gallon = 231 cubic inches43.5 US gallons = 10,048.5 cubic inches
1 m³ = 1000 l In Gallons, that depends where you are: * In UK: 4.55 litres ≈ 1 gallon → 1 m³ = 1000 litres ≈ 1000 / 4.55 gallons ≈ 220 gallons * In US: 3.79 liters ≈ 1 gallon → 1 m³ = 1000 liters ≈ 1000 / 3.79 gallons ≈ 264 gallons
1 gallon = 231 cubic inches 620 cubic inches = (620 / 231) = 2.684 gallons (rounded)
a standard 10 gallon tank is 20 inches long.
1000 liters = 264.17 US gallons.
* I Imperial gallon = 1.2 US gallons * I cubic foot = 1,728 cubic inches 1 Imperial gallon = 277.4 cubic inches(approximately) 2,000 Imperial gallons = 321.08731 cubic feet = 554,838.9 cubic inches I US gallon = 231 cubic inches (approximately) 2,000 US gallons = 267.36111 cubic feet = 462,000 cubic inches
There are approximately 231 cubic inches in a gallon of oil.