One cubic foot of water is 7.4805 gallons.
There are 7.48052 US gallons per cubic foot.
There are approximately 219.97 Imperial gallons in a cubic meter of water.
There are 523.6 gallons of water in 70 cubic feet.
1,353 (US) gallons of water in cubic meters is: 5.122 m31,353 (UK) gallons of water in cubic meters is: 6.151 m3
There are approximately 22.5 gallons in 3 cubic feet of water.
There are 17,770 gallons of water in 2,376 cubic feet.
1,987 cubic feet = 14,860 gallons of water.
There are 8,483 gallons in 1,134 cubic feet of water.
There are 17.66 gallons in 4,080 cubic inches of water.
4,088 cubic feet = 30,580 gallons of water.
One cubic foot of water contains: 7.48 gallons.