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Q: How many gallons per million gallons is 10 ppm?
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How many ppm is 5 gallons of chlorine in 1 millions gallons of water?

To find the concentration in parts per million (ppm), you would need to calculate the ratio of chlorine to water. In this case, to determine the concentration of 5 gallons of chlorine in 1 million gallons of water, you could use the following calculation: (5 gallons chlorine / 1 million gallons water) x 1,000,000 = 5 ppm.

What does 8.34lbs per million gallons mean?

1 mg/l = 1 ppm (part per million) Weight of water = 8.34 pounds/ gall 1 mg/l of water = 8.34 pounds / million gallons

What does ppm stand for in science?

ppm stands for parts per million, which is a unit used to describe the concentration of a substance in a solution. It indicates the number of parts of a substance per one million parts of the solution.

What is PPM in full?

PPM stands for "parts per million". It is a unit of concentration that denotes the number of parts of a substance per million parts of a solution. It is commonly used in fields such as chemistry and environmental science to express low concentrations of substances.

Is 1 microgram per gram equals to 1 ppm?

Yes, micrograms per gram is the same as ppm. Ppm means parts per million. There are a million micrograms in a gram.

Haw many ppm in 30 percent?

by "ppm" I assume you mean "parts per million". 30 percent means 30 per 100, and 1,000,000 (a million) divided by 100 is equal to 10,000. This is the ration between ppm and percent. 30x10,000 is equal to 300,000, so 30 percent is equal to 300,000 ppm

What is the abbreviation for parts per million?

parts per million = ppm

How many mg is 5 ppm?

5 parts per million (ppm) is the same as 5 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) for a solution.

How many mg per g is 80 ppm?

mili .001 80 ppm (part per million) .00008 grams .00008 -> .08mg

What does ppm mean in property?

ppm means Parts per million

How many ppm is 1 percent of h2s?

1 percent of H2S is equivalent to 10,000 parts per million (ppm) since ppm is a way to express a concentration, with 1 ppm being equivalent to 0.0001%.

How many parts per million are in a one percent solution?

10,000 ppm