56 liters is 1.98 cubic feet.
It is 117,292.381875 pounds.
It depends what it is five liters of. Five liters of water weighs about 11 lbs.
Liters can't be converted to pounds. Liters measure volume, while pounds measure mass.
1 liter is 2.2 lbs., so 27 liters times 2.2 equals 59.4 lbs.
You can't convert pounds to liters. You need to know how much one liter of whatever you have weighs and then multiply that by 10. If the substance is water, 1 liter weighs about 2.2 lbs. So, 10 liters of water weighs 22 lbs.
200,000 liters = 200,000 kg approx. 200,000 kg x 2.2 lbs/kg = 440,000 lbs
Pounds are a measure of weight, liters are a measure of volume.
42.6 lbs.
There are 16 lbs's for dry greens and 18 lbs's for wet greens...Does not include the turnips, which is 54 lbs for a bushel.
2000 lbs.