1 (cubic yard) = 764.554858 liters
1 cubic yard = 764.55 liters
use volume converter for calculations of that kind
3.44 cubic yards is 2,630 liters.
There are approximately 764.6 liters of soil in a cubic yard.
litres measures liquid, and cubic yards measure surfaces...
There are 764.554858 liters in a cubic yard of topsoil (or anything else).
1 yard = 36 inches 12 cubic yards = 12 x 36 x 36 x 36 cubic inches
The volume of a standard cubic yard box is 1 cubic yard. This means that the box has the dimensions of 1 yard x 1 yard x 1 yard, or 3 feet x 3 feet x 3 feet.
None, since there can be no conversion.An inch is a measure of length in 1-dimensional space while a cubic yard is a measure of volume in 3-dimensional space. The two measure different things and, according to basic principles of dimensional analysis, any attempt at conversion from one to the other is fundamentally flawed.
764,600cc per cubic yard.
There is no such unit as "cubic litre".
1 cubic yard is about 0.7646 cubic meters.
There are 27 cubic feet in one cubic yard.
There are 28.3168 liters in 1 cubic foot. A cubic foot is used to measure the volume of a substance.