1 Milliliter equals 0.001 Liter302 Milliliters = .302 Liters
302 cubic inches is about 4950cc
302 lbs is 136.98kg
There are 61.02 cubic inches per liter. Divide cubic inches by 61.02 to get liters: 302 / 61.02 = about 4.9 liters.
each liter is 61 cubic inchesusewww.metric-conversions.orgORwww.onlineconversion.com
Well, darling, 302 is a prime number, so the only way to multiply two numbers to get 302 is 1 and 302. So, technically, 1 times 302 equals 302. But hey, math is all about breaking the rules, so if you want to get creative, go ahead and mix it up a bit!
4,949 cubic centimeters or roughly 5 liters. Hence the 5.0 badges
x + 178 = 302 Therefore, 302 - 178 = x x = 124
302 = 900