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Q: How many ml does a bathtub hold?
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Does water of a bathtub hold 350 ml?

Assuming that you are asking does a bathtub hold 350 ml of water: 350 ml of water is not very much water, a typical water bottle that you hold in your hand has more than 350 ml of water in it, so a bathtub big enough to hold a person will hold many times that much.

How many cup s of water can a bathtub hold?

A standard bathtub can hold an average of 40-60 gallons of water, which is equivalent to about 160-240 cups of water.

Does a bathtub hold 500 pints?

500 pints is 62.5 gallons . -An average bathtub would hold that easily.

Will you measure water in a bathtub by ml or l?

Personally neither as I would use gallons, but to help you think about it:If you had a bathtub which would be easier (and quicker) to measure it if you used your choice to fill the bathtub with water:a teaspoon (used for taking medicine) which holds 5 ml; ora jug which holds 1 l[The answer is litres (l), not millilitres (ml).]

How many ML of liquid can pampers hold?

more than 2000 mL

How many ml can a teapot hold?

the answer is 2

One liter flask will hold how many 50 mL quantities?

A 1-liter flask will hold 20 50-mL quantities.

Is a bathtub filled with water 200 L or 200 mL?

200 L

How many ml of water does a UK tablespoon hold?


How many ml can is an aluminum can hold?

An average coke can is 355ml

How many milliliters does a half of teaspoon hold?

That is 2.5 ml.

How many liters would a glass with the max capacity of 800 ml hold?

A glass with a maximum capacity of 800 ml would hold 0.8 liters. This is because there are 1000 ml in a liter.