1 fl oz (UK) = 28.41307 ml (SI)
1 fl oz (US) = 29.57353 ml (SI)
Ounces is volume. Millimeter is length. Perhaps you meant Milliliter? In which case, the above equations will help you if you know which country fl oz you're dealing with...
Now, you could have cubic millimeters, in which case the following equations would work:
3.381402 *10-05 US fl oz = 1 cubic mm
3.519501 *10-05 UK fl oz = 1 cubic mm
29573.53 cubic mm = 1 US fl oz
28413.12cubic mm = 1 UK fl oz
For more conversion info go to related link "Conversion" below
Ounces and millimeters are 2 different forms of measurement. Ounces are used in weight. (16 oz. in 1 pound.) And millimeters are used to measure length. 1 millimeter is equal to 0.1 centimeters. Which means there are 10 centimeters in one millimeter.
There are approximately 0.0338 fluid ounces in one milliliter.
57 millimeter = 5.7 centimeter
40 millimeter = 4 centimeters
Ounce is a weight measure. Millimeter is a length measure. So you can not translate between them
1 micrometer = .001 millimeter 1000 micrometers in one millimeter (mm) = 10^-3 (um) = 10^-6
one millimeter is equal to 0.1 centimeter.
One thousand gauge is equal to 0.0254 millimeters.
1 millimeter is equal to .0001 meters * * * * * Actually, 1000 millimetres = 1 metre so that 1 mm = 0.001 metre.