There are approximately 181,440 pennies in a cubic yard.
There are 49,152 pennies in a cubic foot. That's a little over 300 pounds of pennies.
Assuming an average volume of 0.0285 cubic inches per penny, a 25-gallon glass water bottle (about 4,000 cubic inches) can hold approximately 140,350 pennies.
There are 1,728 cubic inches in a cubic foot.
There are 1,728 cubic inches to the cubic foot
There are 1,728 cubic inches in a cubic foot.
1728 cubic inches = 28316.8 cubic centimeters
That is 79.33 cubic inches.
111.92 cubic inches.
2.81 cubic inches.
The volume of a standard coffee can is approximately 1 gallon or 231 cubic inches. The volume of a penny is 0.0268 cubic inches. Dividing the volume of the coffee can by the volume of a penny gives us approximately 8,612 pennies that can fit into a coffee can.
1 cubic foot = 1,728 cubic inches.