one hundred squar feets
Assuming that "squar" was meant to be square and "acer" was meant to be acre, the answer is 43560 sq feet.
Pheraia was said to be one place, but Hecate was called queen of Strymon.
None. Watts is unit of power. Square meter is unit of area.
At one time she aided Demeter in her search for Persephone, when Hecate found her she stayed in the Underworld with her as her companion.
Asphodel of the lily family(it has white, pink, or yellow flowers in elongated clusters) is the only flower which may have an ancient reference to Hecate in Greek Mythology; it was the flower of the Underworld deities, of one which was Hecate.
There isn't one in Greek Mythology.
Danny gokey
25 and 9
No one. Artemis was identified with Hecate and Selene, but was not the same as they.
If the length of one side of of a square is s, then the perimeter, P is found as:P = 4s