21 x 11 = 231 -- There are 231 square feet on the floor. -- There are 231 square feet on the ceiling. -- There are a lot more square feet on the walls, but in order to calculate them, you need to know the height of the room.
Floor . . . 18.7 x 11 = 205.7 square feet Ceiling . . . same as floor Walls . . . need the height of the room in order to calculate these
The floor and the ceiling are each (17 x 11) = 187 square feet Two walls are (17 x height) square feet. The other two walls are (11 x height) square feet) Total square feet of the inside of the room = 2 [ 187 + (28 x height) ] square feet.
11 feet (132 inches).
121 square feet.
11 square meters is 118.403 square feet.
There will be some waste since you will have to buy a 12 x 13.5 (162 square feet/ 9 square feet per square yard ) 18 square yards
It is: 14*11 = 154 square feet
10 x 11 = 110 square feet.
25' x 11' = 275 square feet
14 * 11 = 154 square feet!
11" by 50' is 45.83 square feet.