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33.2 cubit meters !!

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Q: How many square mt in a 20 foot sea container?
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How many square meters in 20 foot sea container?

33 but usually 28

How many square foot is in 40 foot container?

The square feet are simply the width times the length. But, I will assume you are interested in the inside dimension of the container or the volume. A sea container is 39' and 3/8" long by 7' 8-3/8"wide by 7' 9-5/8" high. Therefore a 40 foot container holds 2261 cubic feet of area

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How many gallons in a cubic foot of sea water?

One cubic foot of sea water contains about 7.5 gallons.

How many square miles is the Bering Sea?

About 770,000 square miles.

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230 square miles.

How were the Persian Wars fought - was it at sea or on foot or horse?

The many battles were at sea and land, using warships and land forces a mix of foot and mounted.soldiers.

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How many 55 gallon drumea will fit in a 40 ft sea container

How many square miles are in the Baltic Sea?

area is 146,000 square miles

What does MSKU 5006774 22G1 on a Sea Container mean?

MSKU is the container prefix, 5006774 is the unique identifier for the specific container, and 22G1 is the container type code indicating it is a 20-foot container. This information is used for tracking and identifying the container during transport and logistics operations.

How many feet above sea level is Sarasota?

one foot

How many square miles is sea of galilee?

The Sea of Galilee is 64.09 sq miles (166 km²).