When running and not in sleep mode the 21.5" iMac uses 205 watts of power. The 27" iMac uses 310 watts. In sleep mode they each use around 2 watts.
Sleep Mode ≤ 4 watts on a personal computer and ≤ 2 watts with regards to a laptop
An Energy Star 15" monitor will use around 12 watts operating and around 1 watt or less in sleep mode.
A modern LCD screen in sleep mode consumes less than 2 watts. When in use, my 19" device consumes 150 watts according to the tag on the back.
An Energy Star scanner like the Kodak i5800 Scanner will use: Sleep Mode = 4 watts Running = 250 watts Standby = 1 watt Other scanners will vary greatly from these figures.
No more than 30 watts of power
No more than 30 watts of power
An average printer typically consumes around 30-50 watts during printing, and around 2-4 watts in sleep mode. The actual power usage can vary depending on the printer model and brand.
A Wii typically uses around 18-25 watts when being actively used, and around 6-9 watts when in standby mode.
Belive it or not is does use up energy even if it is in sleep mode in order for it to not use any energy you have to turn it off.
A typical ink-jet printer such as used at home would draw around 5 watts on stand-by and 25 to 35 watts while printing. A typical laser-printer such as used in an office would draw about 35 to 50 watts on stand-by and up to about 350 to 500 watts while printing.
A mini fridge typically uses around 3-5 watts in standby mode. However, this can vary depending on the specific model and its energy efficiency.