8 bits = 1 byte
1 byte = 1 character/letter/alphabet (1st)
1 kilobyte = 1024 byte (2nd)
1024 byte = 1024 character/letter/alphabet
500 kilobyte = 500 kilobyte x 1024 byte/kilobyte (as in the 2nd) = 512000 byte
512000 byte = 512000 character/letter/alphabet (as in the 1st)
512000 character/letter/alphabet = approximately there is 5 alphabet in a word..
hence 512000 / 5 = 102400 words..
a byte is equal to0.0009765625 KB. Of course, KB is bigger than byte.
958 KB is 0.935546875MB or Mega Bytes
is 500 KB one page of print
about 150000
500 MB = 512000 KB Next! You can convert it here: http://egret.net/kb__mb.htm Brian Carter bcpccare
62977195.2 Usage KB 1 is equal to how many gb you have used?
1GB = 1024 MB 1MB= 1024 KB So 1GB= 1048576 KB
500mb = 512000kb
One Thousand KB equals one Megabyte