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1/1000th or 0.001

There are 1000 litres per cubic metre - so there is only one thousandth of a cubic metre in a 1 litre container - milk or anything else for that matter :)

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Q: How may cubic meters are in a one liter milk carton?
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What is the capacity of a 1 liter milk carton?


What does a carton of milk measure liter or milliliter?

The volume of a glass of milk would best be measured in millilitres.

How heavy is an average carton of milk in litres?

A litre (or liter) is a measure of volume, not a measure of weight. A single liter of milk weighs ABOUT 1.03 kilograms.

The liter is the standard unit for?

The liter is the standard unit for measuring volume in the metric system. It is commonly used to measure the volume of liquids such as water, milk, and gasoline.

What object has more dense An empty milk carton or a full milk carton?

Milk carton full of milk

How many milliliters in a small carton of cream?

Assuming that a carton of milk contains 1 litre, then there would be 1000 mililitres (1000ml).

What are t he dimensions of a 2 liter milk carton?

The millimeter is a unit of length. The liter is a unit of volume. The two units of measure can not be equated.

How many gram or kilograms in a milk carton?

Milk cartons typically hold either 1 quart (946 grams) or 1 liter (1 kilogram) of milk.

How many liters are in a milk carton?

The number of liters in a milk carton is dependent on the size of the milk carton. A half gallon milk carton would have 1.9 Liters.

What is one object in the book the face on the milk carton?

A milk carton

What are the idioms in the face on the milk carton?

The threat "I'll put your face on a Milk Carton." The warining "Your face will end up on a Milk Carton."

Is their a phrase with the word carton into it?

Yes, a common phrase with the word "carton" is "milk carton," which refers to a container used for storing and transporting milk.