According to my reliable sources a standard algebraic calculator costs between $3-$5.00 (US) in 1979.
iPods did not exist in 1979
Online mortgage calculators are quite expensive. All online mortgage calculators prices differ depending on brand, make, model, their functions, and the year they were produced.
Online calculators are free to purchase on a computer, depending on which calculator a person is trying to get. Simple conversion calculators can be purchased to save money.
That depends on the cost of the property and the interest rate of the mortgage. There are websites with mortgage calculators.
2 cents
The price was 2,100
The cost of gas in 1979 was $0.86. Just a cent ove rhte cost of a dozen eggs. That same year the average cost of a new home was $71,800.00, and inflation was at 13.3%
Anywhere from $7000-$10,000
The Royal Bank provides mortgage calculators on their site so that you can calculate your estimated payment. Use of these calculators is free, and you will not incur any costs unless you actually apply for a mortgage.