A liter of pure water weighs at most 1 kilogram (at 4 degrees Centigrade). This is about 2.2 pounds.
Water at higher temperatures is less dense and will weigh slightly less.
The weight of one liter depends on the substance being measured. For water, one liter is equal to one kilogram. However, for other substances with different densities, one liter may weigh more or less than one kilogram.
Only if you have pure water in mind: 25 milliliters of pure water weigh 25 grams.
Only if you mean pure water, then 1 kilolitre = 1000 litres of water weigh 1 metric tonne.
Only 3 liter of pure water weighs 3 kilogram.
150 milliliters of pure water weigh 150 grams.
What do you mean by how much? 160mL of water is the same as 0.16L of water. How much it would weigh would depend on how pure it is, and the tempurature.
One liter of standard pure clean water at standard temperature and pressure has a mass of 1 kg.
Only if you have pure water in mind: 2 liter of pure water weigh 2000 gram.
For theoretical exercises use pure water standard of 1,000kg per 1,000 liters or 1 cubic meter. For practical and precise calc it must be considered other matters like temperature and water characteristics. Use the link below for calculations.
Only if you think of fresh water you can say 1 milliliter of pure water weighs 1 gram. So, 30 milliliter of water weigh 30 grams. A liter of substances with different densities will weigh more or less.
It is not clear what you are asking. Perhaps this will help. !f you take a liter of pure fresh water and weigh it, it will weigh 1000 grams (a kilogram). If you then add 10 grams of salt to the water and stir the salt until it has all dissolved and measure the volume of the now salty water, the volume of the salt water will still measure exactly one liter. However if you weigh the liter of salt water it will weigh 1010 grams. This means that there are now more particles (atoms) occupying the same space - the DENSITY of the salt water is higher than the fresh water.