The price varies across the world and it also depends on whether you are a domestic customer or an industrial one.
The weight of a cubic meter of coal can vary depending on the type and grade of coal, but typically it weighs around 800 to 900 kilograms.
500 $
It costs about $9.00 per cubic meter
Today 23rd of November 2015, Kerosene costs 31720.00 pence per cubic meter.
1 cubic meter asphalt=how much wieght
$ 1 per cubic meter
0.3 cubic meter cement mortar consumes.
1,000 liters per cubic meter.
That IS the math problem - the question how many cubic centimeters are in a cubic meter.
On average, a cubic meter of barley weighs around 600-700 kg.
it costs around 100AED /cubic meter.
The cost of a cubic meter of water in the northwest can vary depending on factors such as location, provider, and usage rates. On average, it can range from $1 to $3 per cubic meter. It is recommended to check with local water utility companies for specific pricing information.