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The average solar calculator produces between 50 and 100 microwatts. A typical solar cell might produce 20 - 40 microamps at between 2 and 3V.

In practical terms, this is an incredibly small amount of electricity. You could easily generate that much electricity with a small hand generator.

Graphing calculators (which are never solar) use far more electricity (around 0.3 watts or 300,000 microwatts, which is aronud 4,000 times as much). This is why these calculators are never solar. To use solar cells they would need a solar panel 4,000 times bigger than the one on the non-graphing calculators, and that would be too big to fit on the calculator!

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It needs 90 wats

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Q: How much energy does a calculator need and if it is a solar powered calculator how much energy do the panels in the calculator generate?
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Is it true that solar panels are used to generate electricity?

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How do solar panels generate a car?

Photo voltaic cells absorb energy from the sun and store it in a battery for future use. The main difference between a car that runs on solar and common household objects like calculators that work off solar power is that for a car the energy needs to be built up and stored as opposed to a calculator that requires such a minute amount of energy that it does not require storage of the energy. Solar panels do not generate cars currently. They could only power a legal car a few feet each day under current technology.

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