7 oz or 42 spoons.
272 oz
34 oz are in 34 oz.
34 fl oz = 1.0052 L 5 L = 169.12 fl oz 5 L is much bigger (in volume) than 34 fl oz.
.64 oz is more than .34 oz.
oz is an abbreviation for ounces; 34 oz is thus 34 ounces. they are one and the same.
50 tablespoons
To determine which is bigger between .34 fl. oz and .5 fl. oz, we can convert both values to a common denominator. Since both values are in fluid ounces, we can directly compare them. In this case, .5 fl. oz is larger than .34 fl. oz because .5 is greater than .34.
That is about 2 tablespoons
3/4 oz = 0.75 oz
That is approximately 12 table spoons of water.