64 oz / 9oz = 7.1
9oz are in 9oz.
It's about 5 kilos
9oz is 250ml
Fill the 4 oz glass to the top, then pour the water from the 4 oz glass into the 9 oz glass. This leaves 3 oz of space remaining in the 9 oz glass. Then, fill the 4 oz glass again and pour it into the 9 oz glass until it's full. This way, you'll have exactly 6 oz of water in the 9 oz glass.
1c is bigger than 9oz.
3lb 9oz
The symbol for pound is lb, and the symbol for ounce is oz. 1lb = 16oz 2lb = 32oz 2lb and 9oz = 32oz + 9oz = 41oz
5ml to a tsp. So about 51 in 9 oz.
2 and a quarter cups equate to 9oz of flour.
5kg = 11lb 0.4oz
4 books would weigh 7 pounds and 4 ounces in total.