One cubic foot = about 28.32 liters.
The plural of foot is feet, not foots!There need not be any water in the container.80 cubic feet = 2265 litres, approx.
Each cubic foot of volume equates to about 28.32(28.3168466) liters.
8636.638213 liters
In 9000 cubic inches there are 147.5 liters of water. This is based on the formula that converts the volume of water in cubic inches to liters. 1 cubic inch is equal to 0.016 liters.
A pool with a volume of 157.00 cubic feet can hold a maximum of about 1,174.4 US gallons (977.9 UK gallons) or 4,445.7 liters.
1 cubic meter = 1000 liters, so you can multiply by 1000.
25 lettr water cylender = how much cubic meter nitrogen
10 cubic meters = 10,000 liters
18 cubic feet is 509.703 liters.
66 cubic feet can hold about 1,584 liters or approximately 56 cubic feet of water. This volume is roughly equivalent to the contents of a small car trunk or a standard refrigerator.
2.5 cubic feet of water weighs about: 156 pounds.