A cylinder with these dimensions will hold up to 13.06 gallons of water.
8.8 gallons of water.
A 24-inch diameter cylinder holds 23.5 gallons of water per foot of length/height.
100 feet of 3-inch pipe holds 36.73 gallons of water.
Assuming the dimensions given are inside dimensions, the cylinder will hold 55.75 gallons - less if the dimensions given are outside dimensions.
A two inch pipe can hold 0.1632 gallons per foot. It takes slightly over 6 feet of two inch pipe to hold one gallon of water.
This cylinder will hold up to 19.65 gallons of water.
This pipe will hold 23,500.7 gallons of water.
About 235 gallons of water.
This pipe will hold 1,468.8 gallons of water.
615,142 gallons of water are needed to fill this cylinder.
An 8-inch pipe must be 57.4 feet long to contain 150 gallons of water.
It will hold 477.4 gallons of water per 1,300-foot section.