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45 WPM is an above average value and therefore comparably fast, but not yet what you would expect from a secretary - which is around 60 WPM and reaches up to 100WPM for very fast-typing people.

it's average. See more in source

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Q: How you would be classified if you typed 45 words per minute?
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Tommy types 54 words per minute with an average of 3 mistakes How many mistakes would you expect Tommy to make if he typed 300 words?

17 mistakes

Tarun types 85 words each minute He has typed 1 000 000 words If he types for 6 hours each day for about how many days has he typed?

85 words per minute is 85*60 = 5100 words per hour. That is 5100*6 = 30600 words per working day. At that speed, 1000000 words would take 1000000/30600 = 32.68 or 33 days.

Is 96 words typed in 3 minutes 160 words typed in 5 minutes?

To work this sort of question out you need to find out how many words are being type in ONE minute. 96/3= 32 words a minute. Therefore in 5 mins you would type 32 * 5 = 160 words So the answer to your question is YES, typing at a speed of 96 words in 3 mins. is the same speed as typing 160 words in 5 mins.

In typing how are net words per minute calculated?

To determine net words a minute: Total words (5 characters = 1 word), divided by number of minutes of the timing, minus 2 for each error = nwpm So, if you typed 75 words in 3 minutes with 2 errors on the timing, you would calculate net words per minute as follows: 75 words, divided by 3 (number of minutes) = 25 gwpm (gross words per minute) minus 4 (2 errors) = 21 nwpm - (net words per minute)

Is the time elapsed and the number of words typed negative or positive correlation?

It would be a positive correlation. As the time increases, the number of words typed would also increase.

What makes the earth suitablefor life?

I would say you typed the words wrong. and penis

What is 4000 words per minute in typing?

A world record that has never, ever been experienced before, and most likely would never be experienced again. Good typists type between 60-80 words per minute. Fast typists type between 80-110 words per minute. Very fast typists can reach speeds of 120 words per minute. Transcriptionists often reach speeds of 140-160 words per minute. The best typists can type 160-240 words per minute. The world record for typing speed is 360 words per minute with a 97.23% accuracy rate (meaning very few mistakes). 4,000 words per minute would be a record that would hold forever!

How is typing speed determined?

Typing speed is measured in Words Per Minute (WPM). For measuring purposes, a "word" is five characters long. If you use software to learn typing, the software calculates the rate.

What is the standard words per minute for a speech?

If you listen to a standard speech with no long pauses it would be about 150-170 words per minute If you write a speech that is the subject of simultaneous interpretation it is better to keep the speed at about 120 words per minute.

Is a speech recongnition a input device?

No it is software that recognizes voice and can convert it into typed words. The input device would be your microphone.

How many words for a 5-7 minute speech?

80-100 words per minute, so that would mean somewhere around 400-700 words depending on how fast you talk.

Replace 'Would be classified as' with similar words?

(would be categorized as)= Answer before help Help answer = Would fit under Hope it helped