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Q: If the diameter of a cell goes from 1 to 2 its volume goes from 1 to?
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If the diameter of a spherical cell goes from 1 to 2 its volume goes from 0.5 to what?

If the diameter of a spherical cell goes from 1 to 2, the volume will increase from 0.5 to 2. The volume of a sphere is proportional to the cube of its radius, so doubling the diameter increases the volume by a factor of 2^3 = 8.

When a cell doubles in diameter cell membrane is multiplied by what?

When a cell doubles in diameter, the cell membrane surface area is multiplied by four. This is because the surface area of a sphere (or a cell in this case) is proportional to the square of its radius.

How do you find the volume with the diameter?

The volume of a sphere is 1/6*pi*d3 where d is the diameter.

Calculate the diameter of a cylinder whose height is the same as its diameter and whose volume is 220cm?

Volume = Height * Area of Circle Area of Circle = pi*(Diameter/2)^2 Height = Diameter Volume = Diameter*(pi*(Diameter/2)^2) Volume = (pi/4)*Diameter^3 Diameter = (4/pi) * Volume ^ (1/3) Diameter = (4/3.14)*220^(1/3) ≈ 6.54 cm

Volume of cylinder 1' high x 1' diameter?

The volume of cylinder 1' high x 1' diameter is: 0.785 cubic feet.

How does the volume of a sphere with a diameter of 2 inches compare with a sphere with a diameter of 1 inch?

A 2-inch diameter sphere has a volume of 4.189 cubic inchesA 1-inch diameter sphere has a volume of 0.5236 cubic inches.

What is the diameter of a sphere with of volume of 1kg?

1 kg is not a volume. It's a 'mass'.If the volume of a sphere is 1 cubic unit, then its diameter is 1.2407 unit (rounded).

How do you find the volumeof a sphere when you only have the diameter?

Volume of sphere is 1/6 times pi times diameter cubed Thuis Volume = 1/6 (3.14) times diameter cubed or 0.5236 Diameter cubed

Volume cylinder 1 meter diameter 1 meter deep?

The volume is 0.7854 m3

Is the nucleus the biggest organelle in a cell?

The diameter of a typical nucleus is only about 1 × 10-14 m (4 × 10-13 in), or about 1/100,000 of the diameter of the entire atom.

If the diameter of a spherical cell goes from 1 to 2 its surface are goes from 3 to?

If the diameter doubles (x 2), the surface area quadruples (x 4).So if the original surface area is 3 units, the new one will be 12 units.

How big is the sun compared to the moon and the earth?

Sun: 109 times the diameter of the Earth.Moon: About 1/4 the diameter of the Earth.Note that the surface is proportional to the second power; and the volume, to the third power of the diameter. For example, the Sun's volume is more than a million times the Earth's volume.You get yet other numbers if you compare masses, instead of diameter or volume.Sun: 109 times the diameter of the Earth.Moon: About 1/4 the diameter of the Earth.Note that the surface is proportional to the second power; and the volume, to the third power of the diameter. For example, the Sun's volume is more than a million times the Earth's volume.You get yet other numbers if you compare masses, instead of diameter or volume.Sun: 109 times the diameter of the Earth.Moon: About 1/4 the diameter of the Earth.Note that the surface is proportional to the second power; and the volume, to the third power of the diameter. For example, the Sun's volume is more than a million times the Earth's volume.You get yet other numbers if you compare masses, instead of diameter or volume.Sun: 109 times the diameter of the Earth.Moon: About 1/4 the diameter of the Earth.Note that the surface is proportional to the second power; and the volume, to the third power of the diameter. For example, the Sun's volume is more than a million times the Earth's volume.You get yet other numbers if you compare masses, instead of diameter or volume.