Five gallons of sand would actually weigh more than five gallons of water.
yes sand is heavier than water:)
No, water and sand have different densities. Water is denser than sand, so 34 gallons of water will weigh more than 34 gallons of sand.
Five gallons of paint is heavier than five gallons of water, which is heavier than five gallons of oil, so please be more specific.
Sand is heavier than water.
Sand has a higher density than water, so it sinks to the bottom when placed in water due to gravity pulling it down. The sand particles are heavier and more compact than water molecules, causing them to settle at the bottom.
Nothing - sand and water do not react because sand is relatively inert. The sand will sink to the bottom of the container because it is significantly heavier than the water.
A bottle of water is typically heavier than a cup of water because it contains more water. However, the weight difference can vary depending on the size and material of the bottle or cup.
1 gallon of water is heavier than 1 pound of sand. Water has a density of 8.34 pounds per gallon, so 1 gallon of water weighs more than 1 pound of sand.
No, sand does not mix evenly with water. Sand particles are insoluble and heavier than water, so they will settle at the bottom of the water, leading to a mixture with distinct layers.
Sand is heavier than salt That's why sand bags are used, rather than salt bags.
No, sand sinks in water because it has a higher density than water. Sand particles are heavier and more compact compared to water molecules, causing them to sink when submerged in water.
Clay is heavier than sand since its density and its moisture content cause it to be heavier.