A MB (1024 Kilobytes) is bigger than a KB (1024 Bytes) There are 1024 KB's in a MB. MB is bigger.
...than not then... No. One Megabyte (MB) equals 1024 kilobytes (KB).
1 MB = 1024 KB, so 2.56 MB is obviously much bigger than 653 KB.
KB = kilobyte , while MB = megabytekilobytes are smaller than megabytes.1 kilobyte = 1,024 bytes1 megabyte = 1,048,576 bytes
1.78MB is bigger.
A KB is smaller than a MB because there are 1000 kilobites (KB) in a megabite (MB)
Kg stands for "kilogram" which is a measure of physical mass, where as MB stands for Megabyte, which is a measurement of data. However, there is a measurement of data known as a kilobyte, which is abbreviated "kb". One Megabyte contains 1,000 Kilobytes.
KB is kilobyte 1 thousand bytesMB is megabyte 1 million bytes
Yes, K is bigger then KB in computer wise and other.
1 mb is equal to 1024 kb. So 2 mb is bigger than 37 kb.
MB. 1,024 Bytes = 1 KB or Kilobyte 1,024 KB = 1 MB or Megabyte 1,024 MB = 1 GB or Gigabyte. It's that simple.
No, there are 1024 KB in one MB, and 1024 MB in one GB. So 10 KB is not greater than 20 MB.
1000 kb equals i mb and 1000mb equals 1 gb