Yes - A cc (cubic centimeter) and a mL (milliliter) are equal to each other in terms of volume.
Yes they are the same amount.
Yes, one mililiter equals one cubic centimeter
Yes. 1 cc = 1 ml.
One ml is also 1 cc. Ml and cc are the same.
Yes, 1 ml is equivalent to 1 cc (cubic centimeter). Both measurements represent the same volume of liquid.
1 ml and 1 cc are the same amount. Current practice does not use cc because of medication errors. The abbreviation cc in sloppy handwriting can be mistaken for 00 in the dosage and cause an over dose.
A "cc" and a "mL" are they same thing.
2.5 mL - A cc (cubic centimeter) and a mL (milliliter) are the same measure of volume.
20 cc is the same as 20 ml.
1 cc is the same as 1 ml.
Yes. A cc (cubic centimeter) has the same volume as a milliliter (mL).