You need to specify the language in which you want the subtraction of the two matrix in two dimension array written.
A string in C is stored in a 1 dimension array so an array of strings is simply a two dimension array.
1. One dimension array 2. Two dimension array 3. Multi dimentional array
A single dimension array is an array with one dimension. It is a collection in memory of one or more elements of the same type. int array[100]; declares an array of int's of size 100 elements. The elements are referenced as array[0], the first one, through array[99], the last one.
Array, Stake, Queue.
is an array with more than one dimension each dimension has different size ex: 10 20 30 11 22 22 33 44 77 88
An array of characters is an array of character codes (such as ASCII codes). A string is typically a null-terminated array of characters however some languages use the first array element to specify the string's length.
int x[]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
if one dimension means it have only rows but in two dimension means it have both row and coloumns
<storage_class> <type> <identifer> '[ '<number1> ']' '[ '<number2> ']' ... ';'
type variable {[optional array size]} {= optional initializer};
Passing array elements to a function is achieved by passing the individual elements by reference or by value, just as you would any other variable. However, passing the entire array requires that you pass a pointer-to-pointer to the array along with the dimension(s) of the array.