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Q: Is it necessary to specify dimension while declaring an array?
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You need to specify the language in which you want the subtraction of the two matrix in two dimension array written.

What is the array of string in c?

A string in C is stored in a 1 dimension array so an array of strings is simply a two dimension array.

What are the kinds of arrays?

1. One dimension array 2. Two dimension array 3. Multi dimentional array

What is single dimentional?

A single dimension array is an array with one dimension. It is a collection in memory of one or more elements of the same type. int array[100]; declares an array of int's of size 100 elements. The elements are referenced as array[0], the first one, through array[99], the last one.

What is single dimension in data structure?

Array, Stake, Queue.

What is ragged array in java?

is an array with more than one dimension each dimension has different size ex: 10 20 30 11 22 22 33 44 77 88

How strings and characters are represented in an array?

An array of characters is an array of character codes (such as ASCII codes). A string is typically a null-terminated array of characters however some languages use the first array element to specify the string's length.

What is the correct syntax for declaring and initializing an array that contains the numbers 0-9?

int x[]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};

What is the use of dim in one dimensional and two dimensional in array?

if one dimension means it have only rows but in two dimension means it have both row and coloumns

Define the declare statement for multi-dimension array?

<storage_class> <type> <identifer> '[ '<number1> ']' '[ '<number2> ']' ... ';'

What is syntax in c plus plus for declaring a variable?

type variable {[optional array size]} {= optional initializer};

How you pass array elements to a function?

Passing array elements to a function is achieved by passing the individual elements by reference or by value, just as you would any other variable. However, passing the entire array requires that you pass a pointer-to-pointer to the array along with the dimension(s) of the array.