They are equal volumes.
1 cubic meter = (100 cm)3 = 1,000,000 cubic centimeters
1 cubic meter = 1,000 liters
1,000,000 cubic centimeters = 1,000 liters
1,000 cubic centimeters = 1 liter
1 cubic centimeter = 1 thousandth of a liter = 1 'milli'liter
A cubic centimeter measures the same as a milliliter.
One milliliter is one cubic centimeter.
There are 1 milliliter in a cubic centimeter. They are equivalent units of volume.
One cubic centimeter equals one milliliter. == ==
There are 1 milliliter in a cubic centimeter of water because they have the same volume measurement.
One milliliter is equal to one cubic centimeter (cm³). So, there are 1 milliliter in one cubic centimeter.
In terms of liquid volume, a cubic centimeter is equal to one milliliter. In the metric system, these two units of volume measurements are equivalent.
There are 1 milliliter in 1 cubic centimeter. This is because 1 milliliter is equal to 1 cubic centimeter in volume. So, they are essentially the same unit of measurement.
yes, it's true
A cc (cubic centimeter) and a mL (milliliter) are the same cc equals one millilter
1 mL - A cc (cubic centimeter) and a mL (milliliter) are equal in terms of volume.
1cc (cubic centimeter) and 1mL (milliliter) are the same volume.