Meter is for length, square meter is for area. The two are utterly incompatible units. Informally, you might consider the meter, as opposed to the square meter, as "infinitely thin" in the second dimension.
4 meter
Math problem a sq meter is 39.375"x39.375= the sq inches in a sq meter 36X36= the number of sq inches in a sq yard/ divide sq inches in a sq meter by sq inches in a sq yard & it will be about 1.1??? you do the math & that's how its done
There are 10.7639 square feet per square meter.
1 sq meter = 10.764 sq feet
1 square meter = 10.7639 square feet (rounded)
9 meter
Sq ft shows an area. Cubic meter show a volume. One cannot be converted to the other.
121.51 sq meters
4650.01 sq inches.
About 10.764 square feet.