You enter a key stroke whenever you press a key. It is the act of pressing a key.
It can be called one of two things: A "return". Microsoft calls it a "manual line break."
pressing the exc key.
Pressing the F2 key will enter Edit Mode for the active cell in Excel.
to the people, who wants this question's answer. Dear, The 'Enter' key is already short key, i.e. you only have to press a single key for it. Okay suppose, you have a shortcut key for it, then too have to press at least one key. So, pressing Enter or any other key is exactly the same. I hope you have understood that. Shivanshu Srivastava
Word Wrap.
you must type in between for a space and for two spaces
Usually you do it by pressing the Enter key. However, it can also be done by pressing the Tab key or the arrow keys or any of Home, End, Page Up and Page Down. You can also click on the little tick that appears beside the formula bar as you type in. So there are lots of ways, other than using the Enter key.
The return key is, in fact, the enter key.