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Unanswerable - you need to know the heat loss rate, and that will not be zero

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Q: Room 800 cubic feet Heater 1Kilowatt. What is maximum temperature?
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No. A cubic centimeter is equal to a milliliter of water at standard temperature.

How do you compute BTU of a heater using CFM and output temperature?

To calculate the BTU of a heater, you can use the formula: BTU = CFM x (Temperature rise in ยฐF) x 1.08. Convert CFM to cubic feet per hour, measure the temperature difference between the air entering and exiting the heater, and multiply by 1.08, which is a constant factor. This will give you the BTU output of the heater.

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That depends on the pressure and temperature of the air in the cubic meter. Any time you change the pressure or the temperature of a gas, you change the number of molecules in one cubic meter of it.

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452 cubic feet will contain a maximum of 3,381.2 US gallons of water.

What is the numerical meaning of kilogram?

A measure of weight, being a thousand grams, equal to 2.2046 pounds avoirdupois (15,432.34 grains). It is equal to the weight of a cubic decimeter of distilled water at the temperature of maximum density, or 39ยก Fahrenheit.

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15 x 15 x 15 = 3375 cubic centimetres or 3.375 litres.

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A 15 cubic foot tank will hold a maximum of about 112.2 gallons of water.