The smallest unit of data is a bit, which is either 0 or 1. Eight bits make a byte, which is one character. 1,024 bytes is a kilobyte (about one page), 1,024 kilobytes makes a megabyte and so on.
a byte
smallest unit of information.
The smallest unit of sound that is recognizable as speech is a phoneme. Phonemes are the individual sounds that make up words in a language, and they are combined to create meaningful words and sentences.
A morpheme is a meaningful linguistic unit that cannot be divided further. An example might be a word such as 'yes' or a suffix such as '-ing'.
a mole in the term of molar mass which measures subatomic particles. stated as gram per mole
It all depends on how your disk is formatted.
The smallest possible value a computer can work with would be 1 byte.