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an abacus

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Q: Some call it a manual calculator?
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Related questions

What did some call the first manual calculator?


What is the name of the first manual calculator?

i am used to count some call this a manual calculator it's also called abacus

What number is r on a calculator?

There is no such number on a calculator. If you see "R" on a calculator, it is probably some calculation - for example, conversion from polar to rectangular coordinates. Check the manual for your calculator.

How do you find standard deviation using a calculator?

The answer depends on what functions are built into your calculator. Read the calculator manual.

How do you use the graphing calculator?

by reading the manual

What is a 6 letter word for a manual calculator?


What is abacuss computer?

abacus is the first manual mechanical calculator

What do you call a calculator in Hindi?


How can you stop repeating decimals from displaying on the calculator?

Not quite sure what you want; the calculator only shows a limited number of decimals in any case. Some calculators have options to round the result to a certain number of decimal places. If that's what you want, check your calculator's manual for details.

What has been used as a type of manual calculator in the Orient for centuries?


What is VHDL calculators?

A virtual calculator can be implemented using VHDL. We call it VHDL calculator.

Will the graphing calculator do the same as a scientific calculator?

Usually a graphing calculator should have all the capabilities you expect from a scientific calculator (and more, since it does the graphing). For more details, check the manual of your calculator if you already have one.