Alan Turing is considered to be the father of the modern computer. He was a mathematician and is the creator of the Turing machine which was the precursor to modern computers.
he is the father of modern days computer
the father of the modern computer was charles babbage , who invented the "analytical machine"
John von Neumann
As i know he is known as the Father of Modern Computer.
John Vincent Atanasoff (ataˈnasɔf) (October 4, 1903 - June 15, 1995) was the inventor of the computer. See "Atanasoff, Forgotten Father of the Computer" (1988) by Clark R. Mollenhoff.
Alan Turing is considered by many to be the "father" of the modern computer because of his work in breaking the Enigma codes during WW2. (Alan Turing - The Enigma of Intelligence by Andrew Hodges 1983)
Charles Babbage because he invented the "Difference Engine."
piolo pascual because otan monggos singkong takos
Alan Turing is considered to be the father of computers because he invented the Turing machine. The Turing machine is thought to be the first model of a computer.