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Q: The highest data value minus the lowest data value?
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The range of a set of data is 48 If the lowest value in the data set is 2 what is the highest value?


What is the minimum data value in a data set?

The minimum data value in a data set is simply the lowest value of the set (easily found by arranging the set from lowest-highest values in an excel sheet or by hand).

What is the definition of melodic range?

the difference between the highest value and the lowest value in your data

What is a range in statistics?

It is the difference between the highest and lowest value in a set of data.

What is the difference between the lowest value in a data field and the highest values in the data field called?

This is often called the range of the data.

How should you use the graph to determine the range of the temperature data?

Fnd the lowest value and subtract it from the highest value.

How can you use the graph to determine the range of the temperature data?

To determine the range of the temperature data from a graph, you can look at the highest and lowest points on the y-axis, which represent the maximum and minimum temperatures recorded. The range is calculated by subtracting the lowest value from the highest value.

When you subtract the highest data point from the lowest data point?

When you subtract the highest data point from the lowest data point, you are finding the range of the data set. Range provides a measure of how spread out the values in the data set are.

Estimate a range for the sum?

The data wasn't provided to answer this question. The range in math is the highest number minus the lowest number. For example 30,20,10,5 the range would be 30 minus 5 which equals 25.

How do you get a range answer for math?

Range is a concept in math, which is defined as the difference of the highest and the lowest number in data.For example, you have the averages of the number of ants per square foot in several areas:87156223504337If you arrange it from lowest to highest, it will be easier to solve for the range.22387156337504Since range = highest datum (singular of data) - lowest datum, 504 - 2 = 502.In this data, the range is, therefore, 502.

Definition of Data Range?

the difference of greatest data value minus least data value = data range

What is range of data?

the difference between the highest and the lowest values in a set of data