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this is the systems harddrive that makes the operating system work

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Q: Types of distributed systems with reference to hardware softwareoprating systems and scalability?
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Why is scalability essential to the success of the modern business firm?

A hardware or software systerm ability to continu futioning effectively as demand and use increse.ex: a network is capable if an organization can easily expand it from a few nodes to hundreds or thousands of nodes. scalability ensures that an organization's systems won't become obsolete as user needs & demands grow.scalability does not depend on whether the system is centralize or distributed.

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What is scalability?

Scalability is the aptitude of a system either hardware or software to maintain its functionality as it is changed in volume or size in order to meet a userÕs business needs. A system that scales appropriately is able to maintain or even improve its dependability and performance once experimented by greater working demand.

What are the disadvantages of lack of testing?

You don't know if the system works as expected, or at all for that matter. You have no real world example of scalability (how many transactions per second / minute can be handled by your hardware, and design.

Reasons for keeping records of installation and configuration of hardware?

It is important to keep a record of all installations and configurations of hardware. Thus, you can reference certain changes being made to the computer.

Where can I find a catalog from living QUARTERS distributed by Proffitt's Merchandising Group?

you can find at home hardware. loll loll loll loll loll loll

Halsco door latch?

Halsco is a brand of door and security hardware distributed by Hardware Agencies In Toronto, and Serrubec In Montreal. The products are available through most locksmiths and related trades in Canada. The products are very popular as "replacement hardware" because of a selection of keyways, grades and backsets etc.,

What are some hardware used in video distribution?

Hardware used in video distribution varies heavily on the medium through which the video is distributed. Satellite video distribution requires the use of satellite platforms, as well as receiving dishes capable of processing the satellite signal.

Is VDU hardware or software?

A VDU is hardware.

Why distributed computing system came into existence?

The original motivation for the development of distributed computing operating systems was for high reliability computing where no downtime (even for maintenance and repair) could be tolerated. These high reliability computing systems were of necessity composed of many redundant pieces of computing hardware modules (e.g. CPUs, memories, I/Os, hard disks) that a technician could unexpectedly remove at any time. These systems thus needed an operating system that would distribute itself and the applications redundantly too over the redundant hardware and recover from the unexpected removal of that hardware without the loss of any work making use of the removed hardware or a system crash. When the technician either replaced the removed module with a new one or expands the system with several new hardware modules the operating system must automatically distribute itself and the applications across the new redundant hardware without human interaction and without any system crashes.

What is the purpose of clustering and load balancing?

Clustering is used to increase the availability and scalability of systems by grouping multiple servers together to work as a single unit. Load balancing ensures that incoming network traffic is distributed evenly across multiple servers, which helps optimize resource utilization and prevent any individual server from becoming overwhelmed. Both clustering and load balancing are used to improve system performance, reliability, and efficiency.