Heuristcis may be deoned alsio as "trial-and-error" procedure for solving problems (or reaching an unclear goal) through incremental exploration, and by employing a known criteria to unknown factors. For example, trying to climb a fog shrouded hill by making every step an upward-step. In journalism, a well known heuristic is asking Who? What? When? Where? Why? in investigating a news story. A heuristic employs independent discovery, and relies heavily on common sense, creativity, and learning from experience. Unlike an algorithm, however, it offers no guaranty of solving any problem.
the word comes from the Greek 'heuriskein,' that means to discover.
Heuristic refers to experience-based techniques for problem solving, learning, and discovery. Where the exhaustive search is impractical, heuristic methods are used to speed up the process of finding a satisfactory solution; mental short cuts to ease the cognitive load of making a decision.
Examples of this method include using a rule of thumb, an educated guess, an intuitive judgment, or common sense.
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Yes, animals often rely on heuristics in decision-making processes. For example, some animals use rule of thumb techniques when foraging for food or avoiding predators. These heuristics can help improve efficiency in problem-solving and survival in their environment.
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Pros: Heuristics can help save time and mental effort by providing quick solutions to problems, they can be useful when making decisions under time constraints, and they can serve as cognitive shortcuts to simplify complex information. Cons: Heuristics can lead to cognitive biases and errors in judgment, they might overlook important details or nuances, and reliance on heuristics may result in suboptimal decision-making in certain situations.
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"Rule Of Thumb" "Common Sense Guess"
Using inadmissible heuristics in problem-solving algorithms can lead to inaccurate or inefficient solutions. These heuristics may not provide accurate estimates of the remaining cost to reach the goal, resulting in the algorithm making suboptimal decisions. This can lead to longer computation times, increased resource usage, and ultimately, less effective problem-solving outcomes.
The word heuristic is derived form the Greek word "heuriskein", which is related to the concept of finding something. Metaheuristics on the other hand is simply the combination of the word heuristics with the prefix meta, which means advance level of heuristic.