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Q: What are perform operations?
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What is to perform the indicated operations?

It means to Simplify

What are the functions of the ALU?

to perform arthmatic and logical operations

How many floating point operations per second can this processor perform?

The processor can perform approximately 2.5 billion floating point operations per second.

Why do you have to use order of operations for every problem?

Because if you perform the operations in a different order your answer will be wrong.

What do surgeons use to perform delicate operations?


The mathematical rule that Excel follows to perform calculations is called the?

Order of Operations

Which are the possibe arithmetic operation with pointers?

Pointers in C are stored as integers. You can perform any mathematical operations on pointers that you can perform on ints.Of course not, the following operations are possible: =, +, +=, ++, -, -=, --, *, [], ->, typecast

How many cutting and forming operations can a machinist perform on a screw machine?

Using these machines, a machinist may perform up to 32 different types of cutting and forming operations.

When solving an algebraic equation which operands do you perform first?

In algebra, you perform the operations inside parentheses first.

What is a characteristic of concrete thinking?

reason logically, can perform operations,

Can digital computers perform logical operations?

It already has; binary.

How do you perform fundamental operations on rational algebraic expression?
