The 4 functions on a calculator are
a calculator with 4 functions!!!
The answer depends on what functions are built into your calculator. Read the calculator manual.
A graphic calculator.
It is known as computer rather than a calculator as the calculator performs functions with numbers whereas; a computer performs functions with not only numbers but encoding of computer language.
Division is one of the four basic functions. Any calculator has the ability to do that.
uml diagram for calculator
The HP 12c financial calculator has all of the functions of a normal calculator plus additional functions for financial transactions. There are buttons to easily calculate loan amoritization, percent discounts, and sales tax.
It has mathematical functions other than the basic arithmetical ones (+, -, * and /), and possibly sqrt and %.
Texas Instruments makes cheap ones with plenty of functions.
This is a permutation;16 P4. It is easy to calculate if you have statistics functions on your calculator. Otherwise, it is: 16!/(16-4)! = 43680.