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J=Jewish I=International T=Tea party

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Q: What are the applications of JIT?
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Param Jit Kumar has written: 'Roll call of death'

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Nirmal Jit Singh Sekhon died on 1971-12-14.

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Jit Sin High School was created on 1918-03-02.

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Jit - 1992 is rated/received certificates of: Norway:10 Sweden:11

How do you pronounce illegitimate?

Illegitimate is pronounced "il-i-jit-uh-mit."

What is the role of the JIT compiler in NET Framework?

JIT compiler is responsible for compiling the code before execution. And there are many types.

What skill does a worker need for JIT delivery?

A JIT worker needs the ability to use a computer.

What does JIT stand for in relation to the NIH?

NIH stands for National Institute of Health. JIT stands for Just In Time information. Both acronyms are in regards to government funding's. JIT gives more detailed information of the NIH.