Arithmetic and logic units (ALU) performs basic arithmetic operations like addition ,subtraction ,division ,multiplication etc and basic logical operations like OR,AND,XOR,NOT,NAND,NOR etc . Control unit supervises all the functions of different parts of computers by generating control signals .
The Arithmetic Logic Unit as suggested by the name carries out the arithmetic calculations of the computer.
Parts of the CPU and functions i). C.U = control unit, used for processing data ii). A.L.U= Arithmetic and Logic Unit, used for calculations
Arithmetic logic and control unit
A CPU contains a control unit and an arithmetic/logic unit
The arithmetic and logic unit and the control unit.
the units of the CPU are :- ALU (arithmetic and logical unit) CU(control unit) the ALU handles the arthmetic operations being done by the application and the CU is responsible for handling the instruction passed by the micro processor.
ControlUnit / ALU / Registers Control Unit / Arithmetic and logic unit / Registers A processor as the name implies process functions and data. It consist of three major components of function. I/O input /output , ALU mathematic logic unit, and finally the control unit.
The arithmentic logic unit (ALU) and the control unit are located inside the central processing unit (CPU).
ALU- Arithmetic Logic Unit CU- Control Unit alu performs the arithmetic and logic operations. cu is the one which controls the entire processing.
The functional units that constitute a Computing System together are:1. CENTRAL PROCESSING UNITa. Control Unitb. Arithmetic & Logic Unitc. Registers2. DISPLAYUNIT3. INPUT UNIT
Does the Mathematical calculations in the computer.