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The points between an inch were traditionally divided into 12 equal parts. This goes back to Mesopotamian times. The inch was divided into 12 the foot was divided by twelve and the yard was the tripartite three.

The tripartite system can be seen in nature as hexagon's bee hives, snow flakes and the giants causeway in Ireland to name only three.

Another tripartite system worth looking at is how bamboo is used in China to build scaffolding.

In psychology the tripartite system is used to describe the brain, read Freud's iceberg theory, or the id the ego and the superego.

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Q: What are the points between an inch?
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It is the distance between two points that are 25.4 millimetres apart.

How many points are an inch?

If you mean points as in character sizes.. 72 point is one inch.

How many points are in a inch?

A point, the standard for measuring type, is equal to .013836 of an inch. Therefore 1" equals 72 postscript points.

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Font size is usually measured in points; 1 inch is approximately 72 points.

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When selecting font size in a document points equals one-inch-tall text?

Points in a document refer to the size of the font. One point is approximately equal to 1/72 inch. So, 72 points would be about one inch tall text.

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12 points = 1 pica 1 point = .013837 inches 72 points (6 picas) = .996264 inches (not 1 inch) 16 pixels = 1 picas 1 pixel = .75 points So a 12 point font equivalent is 16 pixels 1 pixel = .010416667 inches, therefore 96 pixels = 1 inch

How many inches do 72 points equal to in Microsoft word 2007?

72 points = 1 inch 1 Line space Equals 24 points So there are 3 lines per inch

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The points per inch is exactly that, the number of cutting points in each inch. In conventional saws the greater number of points indicates the saw's ability to cut harder,denser material. Some hacksaws have 28-32 point per inch, while a wood cutting ripsaw may have only 6-8 .

If you were a printer how many points would make an inch?

This could vary from how much you set it up. A printer could go from 50dpi-800dpi. (dpi is dots per inch.) For type setters, 72 points equals one inch.

What is six tenths of an inch?

15.24 millimetres.

What is a inch size of a pipe?

The distance between the inside edge of two points in a direct line measured inside of any pipe whether, metal, plastic or PVC.