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A cell with zero in it, a cell that is blank and a cell that has the logical value FALSE in it will all have the numerical value zero.

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Q: What cell in Excel has a numerical value of zero?
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What cell in excel with a numerical value of zero?

Blank Cell

Does a blank cell in Excel have a numerical value of negative one?

No. It has a value of zero.

In excel what contains the numerical value of zero?

Blank Cell.

Does a blank cell has a numerical value of one?

No. A blank cell has a numerical value of zero.

Contains the numerical value of zero?

blank cell

What kind of cell has a numerical value of zero?

Apart from the number 0 and any function whose value is 0: eg cos(pi/2), a cell with text character, a false equation or, in some cases a blank have a numerical value of 0.

What does a blank cell in Excel?

A blank cell has nothing in it. It has no text. For numeric purposes it is treated as having the value zero, but it is not counted when using the COUNT function as it does not literally have a value in it.

What Excel displays in cells to indicate a divide by zero error?

#DIV/0! Microsoft Excel displays the #DIV/0! error when a number is divided either by zero (0) or by a cell that contains no value.

A blank cell has the numeric value of?

A blank cell has a numeric value of zero.

How do you create an excel formula that divides two cell's but will not do so if the value being divided by is a zero?

Assuming that Excel's default DIV/0! error detection isn't enough for you... You could use the IF() operator to check the value of the divisor, and return something appropriate if it turns out to be zero.

Is the numerical value of zero something?

The numerical velue of zero is simply 0. Some people think it has no value and is nothing, but some people think it has a value and is something. We all know that 0 is a place holder, correct? But does it have a value?

Zero is positive integers?

Zero has no numerical value,therefore it is neither positive nor negative.