The unit of volume for the metric system that proceeds liters (L) would be the less used deciliter. You might use milliliters (mL), though.
V - Think keyboard
V comes before B.
5 liters comes to 169.07 US fluid ounces @33.814 ounces per liter.
3 liters of water is 3 liters of water since the s.g of water is exactly 1. this is only so for water and for none other liquid.
58622 comes 1 before 58623, 58613 comes 10 before 58623.
a millisecond comes before a second
T comes before U, and V comes after U.
699 comes before and 701 comes after
5 comes before 6.
what comes before b.c
leo comes before virgo.
A thermos comes in a range of sizes, so there is no simple answer to the question.