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Q: What did the policeman shout to the math professor as a mob of excited calculus students crowded around these displays on his graphing calculator?
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What is 1.0175 to the 16 power?

On a calculator it displays: 1.319929351 to nine decimal places

Is a calculator an input or output device?

It is both. You input a problem and it displays the answer.

What is the function of LEDs?

to emit light for any purpose you can imagine might need it such as 1970's calculator displays, clock radio time displays etc

What is an Amortization loan?

An amortization loan table is a chart that displays each periodic payment on an amortizing loan, and each number is calculated using an amortization calculator.

What is an amortization loan table?

An amortization loan table is a chart that displays each periodic payment on an amortizing loan, and each number is calculated using an amortization calculator.

Why your calculator displays an infinity sign when you divide by zero?

Division by zero is not allowed, an undefined operation. I've never seen a calculator display the infinity symbol, but it's probably better for the calculator to do that rather than display the message "You're not supposed to do that, dummy!"

What is the GT key on calculator?

GT on some four-function calculators stands for Grand Total. It displays the total of all the calculation results you entered, and pressing AC resets the counter.

What Is The Function of A L.E.D?

LED or light-emitting diode refers to a semiconductor material that emits light when electricity passes through it. It is used for visual signals, illumination and data communication.

What makes a calulator work?

A calculator works by using electronic components to perform mathematical operations using algorithms programmed into its software. When you input numbers and operations, the calculator processes this information and displays the calculated result on its screen. The electronic circuits and software work together to execute these computations quickly and accurately.

How do you do percent of a number on a calculator?

Two choices: -- Multiply (the number) x (the percent using the percent % key). -- Multiply (the number) x (the percent), then divide the answer by 100. Either way, the claculator displays that many percent of that number.

Where can one purchase table top displays for trade shows?

One can purchase table top displays for tade shows in online stores such as Nord Display or Codiarts. They are also available on eBay, Everything Displays or Impact-displays. Trade show displays are also available for rent. Some shops like impact-displays provides used displays, rental displays, affordable trade show accessories and so on.